01/20/2015 Ancient pictures surfaced from our tour from 2002 on the Facebook... Existi Tour 2002
08/24/2014 Chris is making electronic music as Electronic Sleep and working on art and music collective called Memory Echo in SF Bay Area.
03/24/2008 New website design launched! Mitch is playing in a punk rock band the Tight Holes and Chris is playing with In Absentia and making electronic music as Electronic Sleep. Dead Earth Records reproduced our first album, I also added the mp3's from Thoughts Conceived.

10/2/2004 Existi is no more, some new projects. www.in-absentia.net www.electronicsleep.com Kyle, Adam and Mitch where in Wax Vultures.com (2006)

5/7/2004 Existi 1999 TO 2004..............Existi would like to thank anyone who ever helped us out with a show, let us sleep on their floor, sent us mail and most importantly, believed in us. Kyle, Mitch, Chris, and Adam.